a picture of the author drinking from a coffee mug with a picture of himself drinking from a coffee mug with a picture of himself drinking from a coffee mug. This joke has gone on for far too long, but he shows no signs of ceasing to make more mugs.
Nerd. Proponent of: Work from anywhere, coffee, beer, my face on coffee mugs, improv comedy. Not a fan of dongles.

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The (Ongoing) Saga of USPS' Utter Failure

TL;DR: I purchased two copies of a book to send one each to my sisters and their families. I mailed them both via USPS “Priority Mail 3-Day” shipping. My sister in Alaska received hers in 3 days. My sister in Kansas City, MO still hasn’t received hers. as of publication, we’re at 15 and a half days. [View the story "How to mail a book" on Storify]

Getting Started with Android

Among my friends, I’m often the looked on as the “Android Guy.” I’ve been using Android devices longer than almost all of my friends. I’ve used both iOS and Android devices, and have a pretty good understanding of the benefits and difficulties with each. I’m often asked for assistance in making the transition from iOS to Android. A few years ago, I wrote up some recommended Android apps for a friend.

What to do in San Antonio

I’m looking forward to the upcoming Big League Weekend, San Antonio’s only chance to see Major League Baseball played in our town. It’ll be interesting to see how they convert the Alamodome to a baseball stadium, and the Fan Fest looks like it’ll be a lot of fun. I know there are some Royals fans headed down this way to see the Royals play. This will be a good chance to show off some of the best that San Antonio has to offer.

Making a Whackbook

I’ve had my old, white, cracked placstic MacBook 4,1 (Mid 2008) since mid 2008. It’s been a great little machine for me, but it’s way past its prime. It’s no longer able to run the latest version of OS X, and the latest applciations aren’t remotely capable of running on Snow Leopard, or whatever version of OS X that the hardware is capable of handling. Speaking of hardware, I maxed out the RAM, upgraded the HDD, and replaced the battery; this little laptop has some life in it, yet.

Episode 0 - SA Tech Dad Show

Hey it’s our premier podcast about being a nerdy dad in San Antonio. Join Corey, Drew, and Alan as we discuss age-appropriate books and games, kid-friendly restaurants in San Antonio, and try to figure out what to do with Periscope. Of course we also chat about what we’re drinking - hint, it’s Octoberfest time.

Hangout Setup

I’ve been hosting and participating in additional hangouts lately. It’s something I really enjoy, and I love that my job not just lets me, but encourages me to participate in them. I was recently asked to share the tools I use to produce the hangouts, so I thought I’d enumerate them here. Getting ready for a recent #CMGRHangout, most of my equipment on display. Audio Let’s start with Audio equipment.