a picture of the author drinking from a coffee mug with a picture of himself drinking from a coffee mug with a picture of himself drinking from a coffee mug. This joke has gone on for far too long, but he shows no signs of ceasing to make more mugs.
Nerd. Proponent of: Work from anywhere, coffee, beer, my face on coffee mugs, improv comedy. Not a fan of dongles.

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Batting Practice with Marshall

Over the weekend my almost 5 year old son and I had a guys day. We had flapjacks for breakfast, went to the coffee shop, and ate at our favorite restaurant, and read some books together. But our favorite part of the day was hitting up the batting cages for to hit some balls. Marshall has always loved baseball. He gets home from school, and asks to go right outside and start playing.

Unbreaking Email - 6 weeks later

The last thing I did at work last year was to delete all of the mail from my inbox. Don’t worry, I took a backup, first, but I wanted to try something new with email. The day before, I read a wonderful blog post by my colleague Cody Bunch on how he planned to “unbreak email in 2015.” by using a simple set of rules. I liked the simplicity, and decided to give his system a try.

The problem with reply all

Here’s the problem with email: You can’t opt in and you can’t opt out. Once someone decides that you need to be included in an email conversation, you’re in until someone else (lots of someones, usually) decide to remove you from the thread. Until then, you’re stuck getting every single reply, even those that provide absolutely no benefit to anyone - “+Bob from accounting;” “Let me get back to you on that;” “Congrats!

WordPress Hangout

I really enjoyed hosting yesterday’s WordPress themed Office Hours Hangout. We had some great guests and a great discussion. I’m looking forward to hearing everyone speak this weekend at WordCamp San Antonio. If you’re there, look me up! Hosts Alan Bush - @AlanBush Drew Cox - @DrewCoxSA Guests Steven Villarreal - CloudU Learning Strategist Garrett Heath - @pinojo - Rackspace Social Media Marketer Anthony Burchell - @TheWPressGuy Table of Contents Learn WordPress with CloudU (5:28)

Did this work?

Ok, so I just blog to Hugo, and I’ve deployed it with drone.io. If you’re reading this, it worked.

Instant Instagram Gratification

I want instant gratification. Especially on Twitter. It’s 140 characters short. Give me the info, and let me look at the next tweet. So when I see a tweet linking to Instagram, sometimes I don’t follow the link. I don’t want to wait an extra few seconds to open a new tab, wait for Instagram to load, look at the picture, then head back to Twitter. Especially on a mobile device.